Every book has a story behind the story, and today, I want to share what inspired my third young adult novel, Aerial Ambitions. This book was on my heart for years before I had the chance to sit down and write it, and some of the inspiration behind it was expected—while one source completely surprised…
Category: Books
How To World Build Real “Fictional” Places
When most writers think of world building they start thinking about space odyssey, fantasy realms, or worlds with lots of magic but I’m here to tell you that it’s just as important when building out real “fictional” places to help ground your readers into the reality of your story. What is World Building? …
Mix & Match A Customized Writing Ritual Built Just For You
Do you have a writing ritual that helps you put more words on the paper? Would you like one that’s totally customized just for you? I believe that having a writing ritual can help you actually look forward to writing so you sit down day after day with a smile on your face. This…
2020…What a Year!
Wow, 2020…you have definitely been a year. Would I say a good year? Probably not, but was it a total wash? Nope, not really. Let’s take a little look back at some of my favorite writing posts from this year and you tell me down below in the comments, which was your favorite? I started…
Who And What Inspires Me
The other day I dropped one of those Question boxes onto my Instagram story so that I could do a big Q&A style blog post, but I only got one real honest-to-goodness question, the rest were spammers and bots. I was a bit disappointed until I realized that the human question that was asked was…
How The “New Normal” Is Affecting My Writing Life
“How’s the novel coming?” This question, to be honest, leaves me feeling cold lately. The writing is just not flowing. Editing feels like I’m trying to create a beautiful statue from a giant slab of marble, slow and meticulous. Kinda tiring really. 😞 We discussed a few weeks ago the concept of new…
Why I Write Coming Of Age Stories for Young Adults
I write contemporary coming of age young adult novels. It’s a mouthful and it might not even be the correct terminology – I have no idea – but it’s what I write. I write books set in the now, in a real city in the real world with fictional characters going through things that…
An Interview With Etta And Gina
Today I would like to introduce you to Henrietta and Virginia, the two main characters in my current novel. I thought it would be fun to do a little interview and see what these two are up to. “Excuse me, did you just call me Henrietta? Only my Mom calls me that,” Etta says…
My Author Journey: How I Went From “Oohhh NaNoWriMo Sounds Fun” To “Self-Published Author”
Grab a beverage, sit back and get comfy because I have a story to share. It all started about ten years ago when I decided to try writing a novel in one month during National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) which gave me the writing bug something fierce, so I decided to take a writing class…
How To Get Into The Head Of A Character
I’m getting ready to start the 3rd round of revisions on this current WIP and with that comes some new characters (and revisiting old characters) and getting to do something I absolutely love – using my acting skills! If you didn’t know, I have a BFA in Theatre Performance, and although I no longer do…