When most writers think of world building they start thinking about space odyssey, fantasy realms, or worlds with lots of magic but I’m here to tell you that it’s just as important when building out real “fictional” places to help ground your readers into the reality of your story. What is World Building? …
Category: Writing
Mix & Match A Customized Writing Ritual Built Just For You
Do you have a writing ritual that helps you put more words on the paper? Would you like one that’s totally customized just for you? I believe that having a writing ritual can help you actually look forward to writing so you sit down day after day with a smile on your face. This…
How to Identify, Personalize, and Befriend Your Inner Editor
Do you think you can quiet your inner negative voice while you write? Because I think you can. I don’t think there’s a writer around that has not had the issue of sitting down at their keyboard or notebook and hearing their inner voice saying things like: “This sounds stupid!” “Nobody is going to want…
4 Things I Do To Defeat Writer’s Block
Suffering from writer’s block can call one to feel guilty, shameful, and depressed. I have four simple things that I do before, during and after my writing sessions that help me defeat writer’s block. Have a writing ritual The beautiful thing about writing rituals is they can be pretty much anything you want! The…
4 Creative Ways To Name The Characters In Your Next Novel
Anyone can grab the baby name book off the bookshelf, or use any of the apps available, but I think there are more fun and creative ways to come up with character names. Start with the time period and country your book is set If you’re writing from a book set in the United…
6 Questions To Get You Unstuck & Writing Quick
Experiencing writer’s block can cause you to feel all kinds of emotions from shame to guilt to anger and back again. If you are dealing with writer’s block and you’re afraid you’ll never write again, I have six questions that can help you get unstuck and back to writing again. Note, if you’re like me…
How To Add Depth To Your Characters
Creating characters that make readers fall in love takes time and many, many layers of development. If you’ve taken my free training, Novel Narrator, and used Tarot to create your characters then you have an amazing character but to take that character and add some depth, we need to do a few more things. …
There Is Power In Numbers
Why community is important, even if you are between writing projects Writing can be lonely, and most of the time that’s exactly what we like about our chosen career, the solitude of talking to our imaginary friends. But when those friends stop talking to us it’s helpful to have real life people, other writers, around…
Lessons I Learned Publishing My First Novel
I thought I knew so much when I pushed publish on my first novel, but whoo boy was I wrong! Here are five lessons that I learned during the self-publishing process that I went through with my very first novel. Negative reviews will hurt My advice – find someone you trust to read the…
4 Tips For Keeping Motivation High During Editing
Yay! You’ve finished your first draft – congratulations! Now, are you ready for the editing process? Don’t be scared. Yes, editing is a totally different beast and it can get long and lonely, but following the advice below will help you keep your spirits high and motivation even higher. Make it FUN Editing can be…