So originally I wanted week 3 to be actually writing the beginning of our story, but after the simple outline was finished I knew I needed to spend a tiny bit more time with the characters. Again, instead of a formal tarot spread, I just pulled 1-2 cards for each person.
If you’d like to catch up – here’s the article for Week 1 and Week 2
Okay, let’s jump right in with our main character, Paige. I pulled a card for her inner strength and her inner demon so I could get into her brain and find out what she wants in this world and what’s holding her back.

Inner Strength/Wants – Strength
I see this card showing us that she has great confidence and self-esteem, she knows what she wants in life – something to do with animals, possibly a veterinarian or someone who rescues animals. She has great inner determination and knows exactly how her life is going to go. Optimistic even.
Inner Demons/Issues – Temperance
BUT I also see that with that determination comes some self-absorption or selfishness, she feels the world should revolve around her. She’s a bit insensitive at times, even tactless and I’m curious about her spirituality. I get from this card that she might have lost faith OR that she really wants some kind of connection to a higher power and can’t seem to get there.

I just pulled one card to get an idea about who this guy is and got the 5 of Wands. Very interesting. This card’s “book” meaning is all about conflict but I’m reading it more like they are building something together.
I think her father works for an eco-friendly construction company (remember it’s California) as either the CEO/founder or one of the higher up VPs. He was an old hippie who had to grow up. Why am I seeing Alex P. Keaton’s father for this? I see that he’s passionate and willing to fight for what he thinks matters.
Instagram this past weekend chose a female FBI agent for our love interest with the twist that she was on the team who arrested Paige’s Mom for attempted murder. What?! This is getting really good. I pulled two cards just because one card didn’t feel like enough information.

I pulled the Moon card first and I see that there’s some repressed emotion and inner confusion – maybe around falling for a newly adult woman – and some fear or anxiety. As an FBI agent I assume you might fear for your wellbeing or life while on duty. I didn’t feel like I had a full handle on this woman so I pulled the Hierophant and immediately I saw inner conflict – someone who loves the sold institutions (the FBI) and is very conservetive, but had to challenge the status quo to be considered an equal as a woman in a mostly male-dominated field. Interesting inner life we’ve got now.
Next week I’ll finally be ready to start actually writing!! I also have a fun Beginning of Your Story tarot spread too…and don’t forget, I’ll be sharing the full edited story as a PDF to my newsletter subscribers only, so join today! Not only will I be sharing the spreads I’ve used for this short story, but I know there will be some bonuses and goodies too!
What do you think of our little cast of characters? Do you think 3 characters is the right amount for such a short story? Let me know in the comments below.
Check out Week 4 – Once Upon a Time HERE
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