Have you ever had a Really Big Goal on your list of To-Do’s that keeps alluding you? A few weeks ago, I shared my Q1 Goals and way down on the list was: Beautifying The Apartment. The thing is…it’s really so much bigger than just making the apartment look nice. So. Much. Bigger.
We live in a decent-sized two-bedroom apartment with our 8-year-old son and all of our crap. Everywhere. See, to start making it beautiful, we have to see the floor first. UGH! Step 1 of this overall goal is to declutter, organize, throw out, donate, and basically clean up the apartment. And this is where I get stuck, every time.
Want to know a little secret? This has been on my goals list for a few years. And last year we made a small dent, but we never finished because looking around at everything starts getting overwhelming! I look at each room and get tired just thinking of the hard work and energy and time that it’s going to take and instead, I make coffee and find some chocolate and flip on Disney+ (because who doesn’t love Baby Yoda?!?!).
I have a fairly strong WHY for this goal – to feel comfortable and more at home in our space. But that doesn’t seem to help motivate us into action. Yes, I said US because this is not a solitary ME goal, this involves my husband and my son – so it’s not just me trying to motivate myself, it’s me trying to motivate all of us, at the same time, to accomplish a common goal. Not easy.
So, I would love to hear your thoughts, ideas, and any advice you might have on this goal. Have you ever had to declutter an entire room or apartment or house before? How did you chunk up the tasks? How did you keep from being overwhelmed and just get started? Seriously – any advice you can offer is appreciated?
I’ll just be over here, looking at the piles, drinking my coffee, googling Baby Yoda gifs. Thanks!