Hello to 2019 and to my lovely readers. How were the holidays for everyone? How has January been so far? Christmas was really nice and a little crazy (seven year olds are good for that) and January has been a bit of a whirlwind as I onboard two new Virtual Assistant clients, gear up for another 6 months of helping my son’s Parents’ Association, and finishing up the first draft of my next novel!
While reading through the old blog archives, I realized that I’ve never really introduced myself (and if I have…it was years ago) so no time like the present to give you a few facts about ME!
1. I was born and raised in St. Louis, MO and went to college in Springfield, MO so I spent the first 24 years of my life in Missouri. I loved growing up in St. Louis (and I lived in the city – if you’re familiar with the city, I grew up just a few blocks from The Hill across Hampton Avenue) we had an amazing Art Museum, Science Center, The Arch, good food, and Botanical Gardens.
2. I was homeschooled from sixth grade through High School. The one thing St. Louis didn’t really have was good public schools. I hated school, like so much I did not want to go back and would get sick (either real or fake) to stay home. We tried a few other options (that didn’t really work – including a private religious school – which was worse that the public school in terms of how kids treated one another and the teacher’s being weird bullies themselves) but eventually we landed on homeschooling and I thrived. I was able to do my regular school work along with all the passions that I had – photography, theatre, writing, and music. It was a multi passionate kid’s dream!
3. To go along with Number 1 – I moved to New York City right before my 25th birthday having never visited (I also didn’t have a ton of people that I knew there – there was a few friends of friends, or people I went to college with but weren’t exactly close to) but I flew up there with my parents, dropped my stuff at the 92nd Street Y (where I was staying) and immediately fell in love with the city. By the first night, standing on the Staten Island ferry, watching the lights of the city start to come on I turned to my Mom and said, “I’m home!” and it’s true then and it’s true now.
4. I moved to New York City to pursue my first love of musical theatre. I took classes, singing lessons, went on auditions, and did a few off-off-off-off broadway shows. I had fun when I was doing something, but the constant rejection finally took it’s toll and I decided to hang up the towel. I still love musical theatre and Broadway, but it’s not a huge part of my life anymore and actually I’m okay with that. For years, after I “quit” auditioning, I couldn’t watch The Tony awards – it was just too hard – now it’s just not that entertaining because I don’t know as many of the shows. Although – if someone has some Hamilton tickets lying about – I’ll take them off your hands. HA
5. I love coffee! While in college I got really into teas and so some of my “old” friends think it’s funny how much I love coffee, but coffee was my first love. I’m the youngest and my much older brothers both drank coffee as did my parents (my sister did not drink coffee though) so I wanted to be like everyone else, so they would let me have some with milk and sugar and it was heavenly. I’m not a coffee snub, I know what I like and I enjoy every last drop every day!
6. I’m multi passionate – I mentioned this up in number 2, but although I love writing novels I also love learning about witchcraft and shellwork, pulling tarot cards and researching meanings and history, I love music and still want to learn how to play that guitar properly, I love singing and entertaining still even if I’m not auditioning, and I love planners and planning, I love helping my clients with their VA stuff, and I love so many other things – I never realized there was a term for it – I just assumed I was flighty, but nope – I’m just multi passionate and it’s been a glorious discovery!
7. Random facts: I type 100 words per minute with about a 98% accuracy rate. I worked at The Disney Store for about 6-8 months after college (if you know St. Louis, it was the Crestwood Mall location – which sadly isn’t there anymore). I haven’t drive a car since August 2001 (since moving to New York City). I know about 95% of Friends episodes – meaning I can recite the whole show while it’s going on, and I’ve even been known to know an episode just from a screenshot or line from the show. (I can also do this with certain movies – Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, and Ferris Bueller)
Okay, so here’s seven things about me — what else would you like to know? Ask below – I might do a part 2 if I get enough questions, or I might just answer them in the comments. Also — I have a few ideas for the next few blogs, but then I’m tapped out, so if you have any ideas of what you’d like to see from me and this blog, let me know!
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