As we finish up another round of National Novel Writing Month, I’m here to answer some of your most burning (and frequently asked) questions. I didn’t hit 50,000 words, now what? It’s okay, you didn’t hit NaNo’s goal, but guess what? You probably created a writing habit this month, you probably wrote more…
NaNoWriMo 2022: Five (Unexpected) Ways to Increase Your Word Count
How’s your word count looking as we round into the final week of NaNoWriMo? Is it a little lower than you’d like? Here are five unexpected (and fun) ways to increase your word count to help you reach your 50,000 word goal. Tarot Cards Of course, this is my number 1 thing to grab…
NaNoWriMo 2022: 10 Ways I Encourage Myself to Keep Going
Has your NaNoWriMo novel lost its luster? Are you feeling a little frustrated by your word count or lack thereof? No you’re wondering if you should just quit? Please don’t!! Instead use these ten ways to encourage yourself, give yourself some much needed motivation, and incentive to keep going. The word bribery usually gets a…
NaNoWriMo 2022: 6 Questions to Ask When You Lose the Plot
Did you follow a plot bunny? And now you are completely off track? Plot bunnies can be fun, they can be exciting, they can lead us to amazing discoveries, but sometimes they can also leave us lost, confused, and frustrated. Let me share with you 6 Questions that you can ask yourself when this happens…
NaNoWriMo 2022: My Favorite Technique for Starting a Novel
Do you fear the blank page when you sit down in front of a new document? Starting a new novel can be terrifying, but I have something that might just make the process less scary – even, dare I say it, fun! Let me introduce you to one of my favorite Tarot spreads for starting…
NaNoWriMo Preptober: My 8 Step Process for Outlining My Novel
Plotters, Pantsers, and everyone in between…November 1st is just around the corner and that means we need to do a little outlining. Don’t freak out!! Let me give you my 8 step super simple process for outlining. And when I say outlining I mean a totally flexible, workable, fun plan that will help you write…
NaNoWriMo Preptober: Use This Activity to Get into Your World (Without Cheating!)
How are we in week three of Preptober already? You have your cast of characters, you have your beginning, your middle, and your end (your little bit of story structure) and you are itching to start writing. BUT if you’re following the NaNoWriMo rules, writing actual words is cheating. Today, I have a really fun…
NaNoWriMo Preptober: Does Your First Draft Need Story Structure?
You have your cast of characters ready and you’re all excited about your story idea, right? But maybe you started doing research on Story Structure and now you’re super confused. Save the Cat, Hero’s Journey, Three Act vs Four Act?! It’s all so overwhelming and my not so popular opinion is I don’t think you…
NaNoWriMo Preptober: My Favorite Technique for Character Design
Have you ever downloaded a character worksheet from Pinterest (or other online resource) and you were just overwhelmed with how many choices you had to make? From eye color to hair color to favorite food, there are so many decisions and, especially if you’re doing Preptober for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), you have to…
My Favorite Writer’s Block Cure
Have you ever experienced writer’s block? If you have, you know that it can cause frustration, depression, anger and some fear. Fear that you may never write again. I understand….because I’ve been there! There were literal months when I could not sit down and write. And one of the biggest things that I’ve…