Dear Diary…

Hello readers!! The following is a fun diary entry from Libby, a character featured in my latest YA novel, Etta and Gina, available now on Amazon’s kindle unlimited.  If you like this, you can join my newsletter to receive the first four chapters of Etta and Gina for free here.

Dear Diary,

I can’t believe Mom is mad at me. I didn’t do anything wrong – Gina started it!

She’s the one that can’t leave Liam here alone. He is clearly into me, not her, but she can’t take a hint. He’s so dreamy too, those eyes and his hair. I wonder what it would feel like to run my hands through it?

Stupid Gina, stupid Mom. I wonder if we’re going to get kicked out of the show? Would they do that to me? I hate to admit this, but Gina has a big role, would they do that to her? What am I going to do if I get kicked out? I was just getting close to Liam and then Gina had to go and ruin everything.

Ugh, and on top of all of that, my Dad canceled our visit again. It’s like the fourth time he’s done that too. I haven’t seen him in, what, two months now? I know he’s busy with work, and his wife just had another baby, but still…I usually see him at least every once in a while. Okay, I don’t know why I’m lying to myself. He does this all the time. I’m glad Mom’s boyfriend is nice and likes to do things with me. It will be nice having him around all the time. Mom said he’s moving in next weekend, and that he has a lot of stuff she’s not thrilled with so our basement is going to be boy central.

It’s going to be weird living with a guy. It’s been me and Mom for as long as I can remember. When did Dad move out? I think I was three, right? I don’t want to ask Mom, especially not now since she’s mad at me, but I could sneak the picture albums out of the living room and look. I know he was here for my 3rd birthday, but was he still living here? Anyways, Michael  is a good guy and I’m glad Mom is getting married again, she’s been so happy since he asked her. Except when she’s getting on my case for fighting with Gina.

Cousins are so hard sometimes, like I try to be her best friend and help her out with things like what to wear to auditions and what to sing for auditions and how to dance and how to talk to boys, but she never listens. It’s like talking to a brick wall and I’m not apologizing no matter what my mom or her mom says. I’m just not!

Well, talk later Diary, I have stupid homework to do.

Libby ❤️️

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