Why do we stop ourselves? Why do we stop doing the things that we know help us? Do we want to stay stuck? Or is that just me? See, I can write a bunch of things and blame everyone else, but the truth is – I stopped. I stopped doing my morning pages, stopped walking,…
Author: Jennifer Gregson
Coming Out of The Broom Closet
I’ve always been fascinated by the moon. When I was little, I thought about being an astronaut for a brief moment – until I watched the Challenger blow up on TV while sitting in the elementary school auditorium next to a hundred other scared children. But I still loved looking up at the moon, wondering…
Under Pressure
Stress…every adult has felt it at some point or another. Some thrive on it, or claim to thrive on it, and others find ways to deal with it when it rears its ugly head. Some hide away from it, ignore it, freak out about it, or deal the best they can and then burn-out. I…
We Are Not Taught How To Feel Our Feelings
Last week I talked about being happy, and how we aren’t really taught this growing up – for better or for worse. This week I want to touch on something else most of us weren’t taught – how to feel our feelings. Again, this isn’t a judgment thing – our ancestors were too busy struggling…
We Are Not Taught How To Be Happy
The writing mastermind I’m a part of online has been discussing various aspects of our personal and business journeys in relation to End of Year Goals – as the final 100 days of 2018 approaches. In one of the discussions, we started talking about Joy and Doing Things that Make You Happy and a lot…
Mindful Food Tracking
I’ve been working with my nutritionist for awhile. First, we started with my mindset, being okay with who I am right here and right now. Not putting off goals and life just because I carry extra pounds, being happy and enjoying life and food because life is meant to be enjoyed. Once we felt like I…
I Feel Like A Failure
Get ready for some real talk. For the past few years I have been learning about and implementing Health At Every Size (HAES) and Body Positivity into my life, but for the past few months, I’ve been hating myself and my body. Generally, I feel like a failure. A big fat failure. I am fat. …
Adulting is Hard…Ugh, Cleaning
In my final installment of the Adulting is Hard series, I would like to talk about cleaning. I love planners and being organized with my time, but when it comes to cleaning and organizing my apartment well…I’m a bit of a hot mess. Don’t get me wrong, the city won’t be coming by anytime soon…
Adulting Is Hard – Meal Planning: Do People Actually Do This?
For today in Adulting is Hard I thought I would write about Meal Planning. Now, I love (LOVE) paper planners (yes, I know everyone and their Mom carries a smartphone nowadays) but I seriously love planning my week and daily to-do’s in a colorful paper planner – bonus points if I get to use stickers…
Adulting is hard…how do you make friends as an adult?
Next up on the Adulting is Hard playlist – making friends as an adult. Now, I want to start this piece by saying I have some amazing friends – people I’ve known since grade school, amazing women from college – but none of them live where I live – they are all back home in…