It is now firmly into 2020, almost the middle of January and you know what that means? It’s time to get some writing done! As I gear up to start revisions again I thought you might like to see a list of the things I need to start writing. ☕️ Coffee – mmmm, coffee 📕…
Up In The Gym, Working On My Fitness
Exercise. It can seem like a dirty word, right? Like a curse. I’ve never been that big on exercise. For example, in gym class as a kid, I would purposely get hit with the dodgeball so I could sit down. I was tall, uncoordinated, and fat. Starting in 2nd grade I was almost always the…
I Like Big Goals And I Can Not Lie
As you may (or may not know) I love setting 90-day goals – I started this in the fall of last year and it really did help me be more productive…until I wasn’t. That’s when I realized that I like having my goals mapped out for the quarter but only the first 3-4 tasks written…
My 2020 Vision – What’s Yours?
Over the past few years, I have chosen 1-3 words to guide me along the path I want to take. Last year was Joy – which to be honest, felt a bit flat – like I was playing a part, superficial…never fully integrating into my body and my heart. The year before it was Courage…
Change Is Inevitable
It’s been a while since I’ve written, I know. This is for a few reasons — 1) I thought I might have overloaded you guys when I was re-launching The Art of Lying and 2) I needed a little break from writing myself. But…I’ve taken a little break, watched Gilmore Girls again on Netflix…
Success Does NOT Happen Overnight
I love autumn..sweater weather, pumpkin spice coffee drinks, new TV shows to start watching, and the changing colors of the trees. Staring out our bedroom window, I have a great view of this one giant tree as it changes from green to various hues of fall. I noticed something yesterday though for the first time…
Act As If
I had the immense pleasure of being interviewed yesterday by my friend, Brenda Vander Zaden, for her Postpartum Body Series project. I had the best time talking about how much stronger I feel within my body after giving birth to my son – you can watch the Facebook Live HERE if you’d like! The other…
Embrace Your Joy!
In my last article, I talked about the phrase “life’s purpose” and how I think it can sometime’s hold you back from doing the things that you love and care about. This week I want to talk about embracing the things you enjoy. In the same vein as last week, I really dislike the way…
Have You Found Your Life’s Purpose?
Have you found your life’s purpose yet? Do you cringe when someone asks you this question? I still hate this question and I feel like I’m way closer to finding the answer than I was even 2-3 years ago…but who knows? My passions and dreams have changed so drastically in the 20 (what?!?!) years since…
Goal Setting For Dummies … Or Maybe Just For Me
I have written about my goal-setting process on here before, but as my life has changed and what I wanted out of my life changed, I knew I needed something different…but I wasn’t sure what. So, when one of my favorite AuthorTubers, Sarra Cannon – a brilliant and successful indie author and lovely human being…