Have you found your life’s purpose yet? Do you cringe when someone asks you this question? I still hate this question and I feel like I’m way closer to finding the answer than I was even 2-3 years ago…but who knows? My passions and dreams have changed so drastically in the 20 (what?!?!) years since…
Category: Muddled Moments
Adulting is Hard…Ugh, Cleaning
In my final installment of the Adulting is Hard series, I would like to talk about cleaning. I love planners and being organized with my time, but when it comes to cleaning and organizing my apartment well…I’m a bit of a hot mess. Don’t get me wrong, the city won’t be coming by anytime soon…
Adulting Is Hard – Meal Planning: Do People Actually Do This?
For today in Adulting is Hard I thought I would write about Meal Planning. Now, I love (LOVE) paper planners (yes, I know everyone and their Mom carries a smartphone nowadays) but I seriously love planning my week and daily to-do’s in a colorful paper planner – bonus points if I get to use stickers…
Adulting is hard…how do you make friends as an adult?
Next up on the Adulting is Hard playlist – making friends as an adult. Now, I want to start this piece by saying I have some amazing friends – people I’ve known since grade school, amazing women from college – but none of them live where I live – they are all back home in…
Adulting is Hard: What do I do with my hair?!?
I thought I would kick off my “Adulting is Hard” series with my #1 issue – I have no clue what to do with my hair! Like, seriously, how do women (and I guess men?) learn how to do their hair? Do they have Moms that teach them? Do they all just watch YouTube videos?…
Do You Feel Your Age?
Funny story…I don’t feel like an adult half the time. I mean – I have a day job, I pay bills, I have a kid! But most days I still feel about 25 years old (which, okay, some of you might say, 25 – that’s still an adult) but when I was 25 I was…
Technical Difficulties
You might notice that things look a little different around here. I’m hoping they look better, but I guess that’s subjective isn’t it? Yesterday, I received an email from my web host that they updated some things on their end – this caused my old blogging platform and my web host to stop speaking to…
Muddled Moments: As If
Grab a Clearly Canadian, put on a velvet babydoll dress, throw on a lace choker and some Doc Martens, watch an episode of Friends or Buffy the Vampire Slayer and sit back because – the 90s are back, baby! Want to know how I know? Bath and Bodyworks just brought back their old original scents…
Muddled Moments: Not Cooking with Gas
Today, I’m starting another new series I’m starting on the blog called Muddled Moments – little slices of my life (that’s not necessarily related to writing) – today is about the lack of gas coming into our apartment building. What happened? So….a few weeks ago, right around the time of Career Day actually, there was…