I’ve spoken about this before, but you know that this past year has been all about inner change for me. I’ve worked on my mindset by fixing beliefs I had about myself and my body. I’ve worked on things with my therapist and nutritionist through journaling, talking, and other exercises to help me deal with…
Category: Writing
Coffee Break, part 2
It’s almost December…how did that happen? This time of year is full of holidays, family time, and looking forward to the new year. 2018 will be here in a blink and I have quite a few things to finish up before December 31st rolls around. So, grab a cup of warm coffee or hot chocolate…
Technical Difficulties
You might notice that things look a little different around here. I’m hoping they look better, but I guess that’s subjective isn’t it? Yesterday, I received an email from my web host that they updated some things on their end – this caused my old blogging platform and my web host to stop speaking to…
Behind the Scenes: My Writing Ritual
I’ve been reading lots of publishing and writing business books lately and most of them talk about having a writing routine or ritual for getting in the mood to write. Basically, a set of things you do before you start writing, and that got me thinking – do I have that? Currently, I wake…
Writerly Fashion – Fall Edition
It’s fall here in New York City which means pumpkin spice lattes, Thanksgiving, and fuzzy socks! I love fall fashion in general but I especially LOVE fall fashion as a stay at home writer type person. Here are just a few of my favorites and a bonus picture of me right now – today! Leggings…
How I Got Out of My Planner Funk
At the beginning of the year I bought a new planner and was so excited to start using it, but around the middle of the year, it had lost its luster for me. It wasn’t working….for me. Now, this has happened in the past, I have tried all sorts of planners and types of planning…
What Would a Pro Writer Do? Part 1: Mindset
A few months back I joined an online writer’s mastermind called “The Bestselling Author Mastermind Group”. We communicate mostly through a private Facebook group, but the leader – Jennifer Blanchard also has a very full BAM website for us with so much useful information: video courses, audio courses, and worksheets galore on everything from mindset, writing (both…
Behind the Scenes: Where I Write
Today I’d like to talk about my desk. It’s big and bold and messy. We moved almost a year ago and we are still not set up (I know, I know…but life happens man) but my desk is sort of settled in to. I have a new cork board and white board to go with…
Bad Poetry 2: Electric Boogaloo
It’s round two of Bad Poetry! The last time I did this (read that here) I got a few family and friends asking me, “These were great…they weren’t bad, why did you call it that?” Here’s the reason: I don’t know what I’m doing, really. I studied some poetry in High School and College –…
Coffee Break
Hello, my loyal readers…grab a cup of coffee (iced if it’s as hot and muggy as it is here in NY) and let’s catch up. So, about 2 months ago I finished the second round of revisions on my debut novel, The Art of Lying, and sent it to a professional editor. I took a…