Most of you probably know this by now — unless you are super new — but I love goal setting!! This year, I decided to marry one love with another and use my Tarot cards with my PowerSheets. Ok, I can hear the questions loud and clear: How do you use tarot with goal setting?…
Category: Writing
How To Create An Editing Plan
I took a break from my manuscript and now I’m ready to dive back in for what I’m hoping will be the fourth and final round of edits. If you read my last blog post you know I had some feedback from my editor, so I sat with that for awhile and then made an…
5 Ways to Handle Feedback & Criticism Like a Champ
Getting feedback on your writing, or any other task, isn’t always easy. I recently got my manuscript back from my editor with all of her feedback and notes and a video outlining all the things I needed to fix. That same week, I got a pretty harsh review on one of the free Tarot Readings…
Ghosts of Writing Past
I was doing some rearranging the other day – not cleaning, not decluttering – just rearranging of the stuff, and I found an old binder that had writing pieces I did when I was a kid. Now these are not the first things I ever wrote, I’m sure, but they are the oldest things I…
Once Upon A Time…
Okay, now we are getting into the writing – finally! This spread will get your creative juices flowing, give you some amazing ideas for how to start your very first scene (or in our case, the first page) and what conflict your characters are facing. Each scene or chapter needs its own conflict – which…
Let’s Meet The Rest Of Our Cast
So originally I wanted week 3 to be actually writing the beginning of our story, but after the simple outline was finished I knew I needed to spend a tiny bit more time with the characters. Again, instead of a formal tarot spread, I just pulled 1-2 cards for each person. If you’d like to…
Let’s Start With A Simple Outline
Welcome to Week 2 of this fun tarot experiment where we will be working on a very simple outline using a 3-card spread for the Beginning, Middle, and End of our story. I shuffled and pulled three cards, laying them down side by side. I usually start by looking at each one individually and then…
Using Tarot Cards (And My Own Spreads) To Write A Short Story
Yesterday, while I was doing the dishes, I was thinking about my social media and what I wanted to write about. I had some ideas written down but none of them were feeling very fun or exciting. In between soaping up some bowls and drying some plates, I had a really crazy idea – and…
How I Use Pinterest To Create Mood Boards For My Novels
As you know, my current work in progress has gone on quite a journey from short story to a novel about Leo dealing with his famous father to a novel about his sister, Etta, and NOW about two young High School juniors, Etta and Gina, dealing with their own ups and downs of family, school,…
How I’m Making Writing More Fun
I go through cycles of my author journey where writing feels really carefree, fun, amazing, and then there are downright muddy, painful, and just plain hard times too. I’m in a hard phase right now, as you know from last month but I’ve decided instead of just staying in the muck, I’m going to pull…