Sometimes being an adult can really suck – dishes, laundry, bills, work, responsibilities – they all pile up and keep coming like a runaway train. We can’t always take a vacation day (or week or, let’s be honest, a month) when we get stressed out so it’s always a good idea to have some fun…
Author: Jennifer Gregson
Five Minutes to Greatness
Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Stressed out and anxious – especially when looking at your to-do list, project lists, goals, or general environment? I know I do. I was telling my therapist a few weeks ago that exercise and decluttering my messy apartment felt insurmountable. Like I just couldn’t get past this unseen hump of…
How I Use Pinterest To Help Me Write My Novels
My debut novel isn’t 100% ready to be published yet, but I have already started working on my 2nd novel. Right now I’m still in the very beginning – or outline mode – but before I blink, I will quickly be descending into research, drafting, and revision modes so I already started a Pinterest board…
My Writer’s Toolbox
Did you read that title and go, what is she talking about…writer’s don’t have toolboxes. Okay, true – I don’t have a giant red Craftsman toolbox where I keep my writerly things, but I do use tools to write and that’s what I want to talk about today. First, my laptop – I use a…
Binge Worthy – Drama Edition
You know I love my Television – I’m a TV girl from way back (in fact, next time I think I’ll talk about my favorite childhood shows)! I’ve covered my favorites overall and sitcoms…next is the dramas! I really didn’t think I watched too many of these as sitcoms are my jam, but as…
10 Sneaky Ways to Fit in Self-Care
Well, it’s 2018 and that means New Year’s goals and resolutions have been set and laid out. One of the things I wanted to be more mindful of was taking better care of myself – or Self-Care – but who has the time? Am I right? So here are some sneaky ways that I’ve found…
Goodbye 2017, Hello 2018
Ah, another year is coming to a close. It’s out with the old and in with the new, that weird old man is retiring and baby new year is bouncing onto the scene. Side note: how does that baby age so much in one year? Okay, back on track. This is my last post…
One Word to Rule Them All
I’ve spoken about this before, but you know that this past year has been all about inner change for me. I’ve worked on my mindset by fixing beliefs I had about myself and my body. I’ve worked on things with my therapist and nutritionist through journaling, talking, and other exercises to help me deal with…
The Care and Feeding of a Writer
As you might remember from this post I am working on my health in various forms – mental health with my therapist and journaling and self-care techniques; physical health with exercise and eating more nutritious foods; and my spiritual health with tarot, meditation, and quiet contemplative time during the day. Now I am not one to…
Coffee Break, part 2
It’s almost December…how did that happen? This time of year is full of holidays, family time, and looking forward to the new year. 2018 will be here in a blink and I have quite a few things to finish up before December 31st rolls around. So, grab a cup of warm coffee or hot chocolate…